Wings of Desire – plein air– Berlin summer 2022
Berlin has taught me to never give up looking out for angels. R.Linzer, Taxidriver
SILVER LININGS EXHIBITION – every dark cloud has a silver lining, summer 2021
“Using this common proverb as a title for the show, I refer to the idea, that in every desperate situation there is an element of hope.”
Artist residency – Palma de Mallorca, fall- winter 2020/2023
L’art est une démonstration dont la nature est la preuve. George Sand
FATE *n VISION – how to emerge from a local crisis of global scale, summer 2020
“Spinning the yarn of HUMAN FATE, on the eternal WHEEL of TIME, let’s seek to co-create…”
Artist talk #timerewind, Neukölln Opera House, summer 2019
” #timerwind enacts a cultural perspective study and is a symbol for the longing to overcome temporal and spatial limitations.“
Multimedia installation #timerewind, Neukölln Opera House, summer 2019
“Maria Magdalena is dancing on the canvas of art history, breathing new life into the Renaissance study of perspective by Leonardo da Vinci?”
Autumn 2018, Medusa Invicta EXHIBITION @ SUGAR Food Art Week PARIS

„myths are commonly framed as a reflection of patriarchal projections“
Summer 2018, woke up perfect- GALATEA @ 48h Neukoelln Festival, Berlin.