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Selfportrait as Mäda Primavesi – Homage to Gustav Klimt (2019)

Currently on display @ Fußballmuseum Dortmund Germany
Maria Kossak is a Berlin based multimedia and performance artist of Polish descent. She was born behind the iron curtain, into a family of artists and writers. Due to the oppressive political climate and her family’s subsequent emigration she found herself in West Berlin during the late Cold War period. Throughout the 1980s the divided city of Berlin became her childhood playground.

Maria Kossak- the artist

Life in Berlin shaped not only her personal but also her artistic identity. Following family inclination, Kossak studied visual and performance art and graduated from the city’s Academy of Fine Arts (UdK) with special honors.
Kossak explores aspects of personal and collective iconography. She is interested in modes of iconographic female representation and the influences of Eastern and Western mythology on popular culture. These metaphors of collective and personal longing are often transformed by her performative work and frequently re-framed through digital media, especially elevating the aspect of time and trace. Maria Kossak’s art has been exhibited within and outside of Europe and is represented in international collections.
Maria Kossak revises the iconographical usage of plated gold and adds to it a powerful metaphor of collective and personal longing, characterised by a scheme of colours that range in shade between earthy/morbid and pallets that shimmer with a translucent light. This chromatic scheme effects a subversive blurring of the usual boundaries that demarcate fixed styles, genres and time periods. They suggest a restless movement of moods and materials that is characteristic of Kossak’s creative impulse. 
selected press articles


“wings of desire” excerpt – Der Himmel über Berlin
Exberliner: celebratory issue, published in summer 2022, Berlin/ Germany

“… »She holds the world but as the world, – A stage where every angel plays their part…«, 

Berlin 128 – Magazine

Interview excerpt – Kultur im Dienste des Staates  
Text: Monika Stefanek, published in spring 2016, Berlin/ Germany

“… »Nationalistische Rhetorik  weckt natürlich Erinnerungen an die dunklen Zeiten in Europa«, sagt Maria Kossak.


Maria Kossak, Neuköllns Goldfinger 


Text: Marek Staszyc, published autumn 2015, Lodz/Poland –  Link zum Artikel




Text: Anna Tyszecka Erschienen im Sommer 2015, Warschau/Polen
Link zum vollständigen Artikel



Text: Anna Tyszecka Erschienen im Sommer 2014, Warschau/Polen
Link zum vollständigen Artikel
recent performance photos 
J.W. Goethe: “to the sun” multimedia projection, Berlin/ Germany

The World a Stage

“I hold the world but as the world, – A stage …”
Shakespearean stage performance: Maria Kossak, winter 2018, Berlin/ Germany

“I hold the world but as the world, – A stage where every man must play a part…” William Shakespeare

Source of Creativity 

symbolic coordination of left- and right brain hemisphere 
Synchronisation performance: Maria Kossak, summer 2018, Berlin/ Germany

“… »The hemispheres of the brain can be seen to represent the dualistic reality in which we live- «, says Maria Kossak.

The black bride

Performance at opening night of a show dedicated to women’s rights infringements
I will never be #MariaMagdalena: Maria Kossak, spring 2018, Cracow, Poland

“… »Hashtag- I will never be #MariaMagdalena ist eine Arbeit, die sich die Künstlerin im wahrsten Sinne des Wortes auf den Leib geschrieben hat.– «, Constanze Kleiner

PRESS PHOTOS                                                    RADIO FEATURES

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